Soyez les bienvenus dans mon espace dédié aux cartes et au scrapbooking, passion débordante que j'aime partager et principale raison de l'existence de ce blog.
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Un immense merci pour tous vos commentaires enrichissants que j'apprécie beaucoup.

Thanks so much for the nice comments you left in my blog.

30 oct. 2008

Cute cards challenge # 35

Cette semaine, il fallait faire une carte ayant pour theme "Drink" chez Cute card challenge.

Papiers: My Mind's Eye.
Tampon: Charlie 007 de Whiff of Joy.
Coloration: Aquarelles.
Embellissements: Fleurs, paillette, divers tampons.
Sentiment: Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année.

14 commentaires:

  1. bonjour il est mon favorisez passée par ton blog et réellement j'aime beaucoup tes travaux félicitations celle-ci suis brillant. jusqu'tôt depuis argentin romina

  2. Chere Scrapmumur...
    I studied French, but my English is a little better but I am from Spain... You have to go to my blog...We are doing something to know each other a litte bit...Can you write me if you dont understand what I said there, please.
    A bientot

  3. Beautiful card, the colours are perfect for this image, thanks for joining in the CCT challenge. I love your new blog header

  4. Lovely card, as ever! I like the wording tucked into the card

  5. it's James Bond on your card! fabulous papers and embellishment. hugs, annie x

  6. Absolutely beautiful card, as always.
    Juliet xx

  7. This is such a lovely mans card my son would love this. Hugs Linda x

  8. I just love the cute image Mumur and all your details and coloring make this to a wonderful party card

    Hugs from

  9. Absolutely beautiful card!! I like colours and the image.

  10. Great card Mumur, I love the blend of papers and the lovely match to the coloured image - brilliant xx

  11. Great card Mumur, I love the blend of papers and the lovely match to the coloured image - brilliant xx

  12. Anonyme20:16

    Tu as parfaitement illustré le thème et j'aime beaucoup l'harmonie des couleurs ! Bravo ! Bises. Val.

  13. Loving this card big time!!!

  14. Your card is wonderful as always, Mumur!!!!!!
    Hugs your friend Gisela


Un grand merci pour vos visites et vos petits mots.