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10 sept. 2008

Papertake "Autumn Haze"

Ce lundi chez Papertake, il fallait faire une carte sur le Theme de l'Automne.
Papiers: Daisy d's.
Tampons: Magnolia, Sassafras.
Coloriage: Aquarelles.
Embellissements: Fleurs, ficelle.
Sentiment: Tourbillon d'automne.

13 commentaires:

  1. This is a lovely card
    Wendy x

  2. Great card! Lots of lovely autumn elements! Thanks for joining us for the challenge! x

  3. Fabulous card Mumur,
    love how the cat is popping out of the pumpkin. Hugs Rachxx

  4. Fabulous card Mumur, What a wonderful colour scheme, love the cute Tilda all dressed up for the cold weather and the cute kitty in the pumpkin, Hugs, Nikki x

  5. fabulous card, do love the colours and love the cat popping up through the pumpkin.

  6. what a fabulous card!

    Mrs Wonka

  7. Anonyme11:40

    coucou ma p'tite Mumur,
    Et bien c'est encore une très jolie carte, et oui bienôt l'automne. Gros bisous ma mumur.

  8. gorgeous card I love this tilda and the cute little pumpkin Jill x

  9. Wonderful autumnal card Murielle, the image is just too cute!

    hugs Bev x

  10. Beautiful autumn card!! Why didn't I think of Halloween :-)) Love the cat in the pumpkin, great!!! Everything goes so well together, love it! Love from Holland,

  11. Oh this is my favorite time of the year!! Love your colors and all your details!! The pumpkin is so cute as are the rest of your embellies!! Great card for the challenge :)Kathy

  12. Anonyme08:27

    Superbe ta carte aux couleurs d'Halloween ! Bravo ! Bises. Val.

  13. Super card, gorgeous colours and Tilda looks fab! Jillix


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